2015 ISA World Adaptive Surfing Championship

2015 ISA World Adaptive Surfing Championship

Guaranteed entry for Team GB athletes has now passed following the July 1st application deadline. If any athlete wishes to enter this event in the STANDING or SITTING divisions please inform SurfingGB and we can request that you are added to the alternate entry list by the ISA, entry is not guaranteed by doing this. Team GB have now selected and filled the allocated spots for 2 athletes in PRONE and ASSISTED PRONE and are proud to announce our attendance at this groundbreaking event.


The 2015 ISA World Adaptive Surfing Championship  will be held at La Jolla Shores, San Diego, California, USA – September 24-27, 2015is comprised of three key parts:

  • Adaptive Surfing Clinic and Expression Session
  • Adaptive Surfing Symposium – “Meeting of the Minds” with Keynote speakers, “Best Practices,” and discussion of the future of Adaptive Surfing and its development
  • World Championship Competition

Participation Levels:

The ISA World Adaptive Surfing Championship will be available to Adaptive Surfers from across the globe with varying ability levels.

  • World Championship Competition (Elite Adaptive Surfers in conjunction with the National Surfing Federations)
  • Clinic/Expression Session (Open to beginning to intermediate Adaptive Surfers and limited registration space)


Four simple and inclusive divisions to match Functional Paralympic Classifications:

  • SIT- Surfers who ride waves in a seated position
  • STAND- Surfers who ride waves standing upright
  • PRONE/KNEEL- Surfing who ride waves kneeling or laying down
  • ASSIST- Surferse in this division may have support to get into the wave and back on the board but must be independent while on the wave. The surfer would be required to arrance for proper personal water support or arrange with the ISA to provide trained, professional water support. ISA will provide overall water safety.

All classification inquiries will be directed to the ISA Adaptive Surfing Advisory Board.


  • 2 SIT Athletes
  • 2 STAND Athletes
  • 1 PRONE
  • 1 ASSIST Athlete

Beginning July 1, 2015 there will be an Open Registration period for additional Adaptive Surfers to enter the competition under their National Federation to fill the remaining sports in the competition (assuming there is still space in the event).

For more information on the event  www.isasurf.org/events/isa-world-adaptive-surfing-championship/

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