Surf Safeguarding

What is safeguarding?


Safeguarding in sport is the process of protecting children and adults from harm by providing a safe space in which to play sport and be active.   It’s really important that everyone involved in delivering surfing and other sports understands their role and responsibility in protecting the children they work with.

The aim of effective safeguarding is to create a culture of always acting in the best interest of children and adults to protect them from harm and abuse.   It’s a fundamental part of delivering a great service as a surf coach, surf school or club.

By taking some basic training in safeguarding you can better understand what safeguarding is about, your responsibilities and the signs, symptoms and effects of abuse.  You’ll also know how to take action and report concerns through the correct channels.

Who should take a safeguarding course


We strongly recommend anyone involved in the delivery of surf lessons or surf club activity involving children should take an introduction to safeguarding course.

Surfing England have now produced a surf-specific safeguarding course which is available to all Surfing England coaches and surf club volunteers.

For all surf coaches taking any of the Surfing England surf instructor or surf coach awards it is now a pre-requisite to have completed a recognised safeguarding course. This Surfing England Safeguarding course is included free of charge with the Surf Instructor-Recreation Course and is being rolled out discounted to members.

Our course is digital, can be taken in your time around work and family commitments and cost £20.

We continue to recognise alternatively the safeguarding training for sports coaches:  NSPCC Safeguarding in Sport 



If you have a safeguarding concern


If you have an immediate safeguarding concern then it’s important you take action.   Every organisation that works with children should have a safeguarding policy and a safeguarding lead within the organisation that you can talk to.

If that isn’t clear or you are concerned about reporting internally, you can call the NSPCC.  Whatever your concern, they can provide advice on how best to proceed – Call 0808 800 5000

Or alternatively you can report on the following form and send it to

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