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Euro Bodysurf

January 1, 1970 @ 12:00 am

The UK Bodysurfing Association CIC, supported by Surfing England, will for the first time be hosting Euro Bodysurf, sponsored by BamBooBay.

Euro Bodysurf is a series of Bodysurfing events held across member countries consisting of France, Portugal, Spain, Morocco and the UK, and (Covid allowing) competitors from all these countries will be able to compete in the heats, semi-finals and finals for both the men’s and ladies open bodysurfing events (if this cannot go ahead for any reason we will instead hold a second day of the BamBooBay UK Bodysurfing Championships 2021:- this time heats, semi-finals and finals for both the men’s and ladies open bodysurfing events).

More details will follow, but to find out more about bodysurfing or to join the UK Bodysurfing Association CIC please visit us at https://www.bodysurf.org.uk/


January 1, 1970
12:00 am
Event Category:

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