Covid 19 Guidance: Roadmap back to surf coaching

Covid 19 Guidance: Roadmap back to surf coaching

Issued 05/03/2021

The UK governemnt has released a step by step plan to ease the restritctions imposed by lockdown.  This guidance provides the interpretation for surfing and the impact on voluntary, club, charitable and commercial surfing opperations.

Sport England and DCMS are in consultation on the wider impact of the roadmap for sport and will be releasing a set of Q&As for sport beofre the 29th of March.  The Surfing England guidance will be kept up to date with any changes and any new inforomation will be added to our Coronavirus Resource Hub.

For Surfing:

  • Surf Schools and Clubs: Should not be operating, with the exception of surf therapy
  • Surf Therapy: Organised outdoor sport for disabled people and surf therapy groups can continue
  • 1:1 Coaching: Can continue as 1:1 personal training in outdoor public spaces
  • Elite Sportspeople: The exemption to allow training and travel to competition continues
  • Individual surfers: Surfing can continue as recreation / exersize for those local to the surf

NOTE: The guidance on school sports clubs:  ‘under-18 sport can take place at school as part of educational provision, or as part of wraparound care, but should not otherwise take place at this time.’  This means school surf clubs should not be restarting until the 29th March.

For Surfing:

  • Surf Schools and Clubs: Can open to provide surf lessons, but must:
    • Continue to ensure social distancing and other safe behavious are observed
    • Ensure Covid 19 Secure opperating practice continues
    • Limit group sizes to a maximum of 9 (ratio of 1 instructor: 8 participants)
    • Ensure customers and club members adhere to the wider rules (rule of 6 or two households) before and after surfing
  • Surf Therapy: Organised outdoor sport for disabled people and surf therapy groups can continue
  • 1:1 Coaching: Continue in outdoor public spaces
  • Elite Sportspeople: The exemption to allow training and travel to competition continues
  • Individual surfers: People will no longer be legally required to stay at home, but other restrictions will continue, such as no overnight stays and travel should continue to be minimised where possible.

Note:  We are supporting the notion that equipment hire will be allowed from the 29th with the reopening of surf schools and are waiting on confirmation before formally confirming.

We expect to see surf shops and hire outlets reopening at this point and we will issue further guidance if there are any changes for surfers or surf schools and clubs.

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