2020 Korev Lager English Adaptive Surfing Open
Key information for all surfers, supporters (friends and family), event staff, and volunteers looking to register/attend the event.

It is essential that anyone attending the competition reads the 2020 English Adaptive Event Format also details information on how to enter, timescales and COVID-19 measures.
The Event will run on the Advanced setting and also the Beginner Wave on the inside of the pool. Surfers can compete on the advanced or beginner wave and this means adaptive surfers of all abilities can join us for the English Adaptive! The Event will run all day on Saturday – timings will be announced in the week before but please make your travel plans to arrive at The Wave early on Saturday morning.
Any friends/family/supporters that are attending the Event with you must purchase a Spectator Pass for £2 for the day. This is for legal purposes and track and trace requirements. Please ensure anyone attending books as soon as possible as The Wave have a limit on capacity. More info in Event Format. Click here to book your pass.
The document forms the terms and conditions of the Event and details clear timelines for entry and required form submissions. By entering the Event you agree to this document. Click here to view the Event Format.
- Wednesday 2nd September at 10.00am – Entry Opens (detailed information on how to enter in Event Format)
- Tuesday 22nd September at 10.00am – Deadline for Volunteer Registration Forms to be submitted
- Wednesday 23rd September at 10.00am – Entry Closes
- Wednesday 23rd September at 10.00am – Deadline for submission of Surfer Registration Form
- Friday 25th September by 17:00pm – Volunteers selected to attend the event will be confirmed in an email.
- Saturday 3rd October – It’s ON! Timings to be confirmed in the week before the contest. It will be a full day at The Wave.
Surfer Registration Form 2020 Adaptive The Wave
Volunteer Application Form 2020 Adaptive The Wave
Thanks to Team England Adaptive Team Manager Andy Joyce, Head Coach Matt Harwood and Director of Stoke Spike Kane for the support.
Thank you to our Event Partners; The Wave, Korev Lager, Caravan and Motorhome Club, dryrobe, Surfdome, PADSTOW ROCKS, Shower in a Can, Clarke Willmott, Panoptic Motion, The Wave Project, Surfability UK CIC
For all Event enquiries, including Commercial Sponsorship, please email: hannah@surfingengland.org
For more information on The Wave & to book a surf, visit: www.thewave.com