The RNLI have issued fresh guidance (09/04/2020) advising the public that they should not take part in any water based activity on or in the sea.
The full RNLI statement is here:
The current government guidance remains to stay at home other than for the 4 essential reasons listed, which can be found here:
With the bank holiday upon us, sunshine and some clean swell, the temptation to slip into your wetsuit and walk in for a few waves will be at its max. We ask everyone to remember the frontline staff who today will be slipping into their protective gear and walking into intensive care wards across the country to care for and support those infected by Covid 19.
We all have tough personal choices to make. Our preference is to stay out the water. We hope you will join us, and the thousands of surfers who are standing in solidarity with the NHS, doing every little we can to help prevent the spread of Covid 19 and reducing the pressure on all our frontline services.
The current state is temporary, it will end, and the waves will still be there for us when it does.